readme.txt Author: Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé E-mail: Web page: Article: "The Great Capitol Hill Baby-Sitting Co-op: Anecdote or Evidence for the Optimum Quantity of Money?" by Hens, Schenk-Hoppé, Vogt Last update: January 9, 2006 This file gives a brief overview on the MATLAB scripts which have been developed to carry out the numerical simulations in Section 4 of the above paper. The scripts are available at the web page The scripts have been tested with MATLAB 5.3. Filename Task Output Usage babysim.m reproduce Table 2 text babysim(caseno,groupno,qm,iter) in Section 5.1 parameters caseno = 1 (game M.5), caseno = 2 (game M.2) groupno = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 if caseno = 1 groupno = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 if caseno = 2 groupno between 1 and 6 corresponds to group in actual experiment (characteristics as in Figures 4 and 5 of the paper) groupno = 7 resp. 7,8 are artificial groups for the benchmarks findv.m determines maximum text findv(pB,pS,l,h,ph,beta) money holdings for parameters pB success probability when "buy" optimal policy runs pS success probability when "sell" l low time value h high time value ph probability of high time value beta discounting parameter Examples Producing the data in Figure 7 for Group 1 Game M.2 quantity of money 3: babysim(2,1,3,10000); (small variations possible because of too few iterations) Maximum money holdings reported in Section 4.3 without rationing (pB = pS = 1) l = 5, h = 10, ph = 0.5 (game M.5) and discounting beta = 0.95: findv(1,1,5,10,.5,.95); (maximum holdings is 4)